Saturday, April 25, 2015

To Speak or Hold My Piece (Peace)

I’ve recently run into a person on social media who has expressed an obvious displeasure with a group’s action.  Or perhaps I should say that I run into this daily and almost every time I gaze at the interwebs.  But this particular outburst and ruse to rouse other’s emotions has gotten me thinking for the past several days, which no doubt it was meant to do.  I can tell you I was not the only one affected, because of the stream of comments left in the wake of this update.  What I wanted to say was something to the effect of “why do you spread negativity about a group you are upset with?  Why don’t you go to them and offer your help and guidance, if you know so much about how they should be operating?”  Or better yet “why not focus on the good of what has come out of said groups actions and work to further it?”  Or something to that effect worded in the best way possible.

I chose not to reply for 2 reasons.  The first was because I was not in the mood to argue with someone who was prepared to fight for their comment.  Why else would they put such a thing on social media?  And the second was because in writing such a response would I not be in direct opposition to what I say I believe in?  In my initial responses I was upset because he was pointing out the negative and focusing on it and wanting other people to do the same.  In pointing out that negativity would I not be doing the same thing that had enraged me in the first place?

How has responding to negativity with negativity ever created the results that I’m after?  I see that my intentions would be to educate said person on their negativity and point them down the path to loving all people and making the world and better and more peaceful place.  All that considered; it seems to me to be a noble means of communication.  But I know that peace, love and truth were what this person was after, as well.  And I can tell you that our clash of perspectives would not be wisely discussed on social media in front of everyone and with the risk of misinterpretation that is so common with the written word.

However, it brings me to another point of internal debate.  When is it appropriate to take on that teaching role in any way other than that of living it?  What I am talking about comes directly from a quote that I grew up with in church and have kept with me past religion and into my every day and mystical life; “preach the gospel always, use words if necessary”.  When is it necessary to use words?  Is it that I am afraid of the conflict that would arise and the uncertainty of being heard and/or misunderstood?  Or is there really a place to point out people’s hypocrisy and double living?  I believe most people don’t want to live a double standard and would like to live closer and closer to truth.  I also believe that teachers have a great role in helping others to achieve what they are after.  However, who am I to say that I am a teacher? 

Hmm as I write this, I am becoming aware that my quandaries are in direct relation to my ideas surrounding my communication skills.  I have a hard time communicating with people in a way to make them understand what I’m talking about, especially when it comes to a perspective about life that others are not accustomed to or that what they think to be against what they believe.  When I start to see that my words are riddles to others I just give up and change the subject.  So often have I done this that I have resorted to keeping my mouth shut more and more as I watch the world around me and attempt to engage with it.  I say attempt because the more I keep my mouth shut the more I feel like an outsider looking in, an audience to a show, and a cloud to the bustling ground below.  In one hand it brings me peace.  Peace here being defined as a lack of conflict in my personal life.  On the other hand, I believe that all people are on their own journey and I trust in Devine providence to lead them where and how they are supposed to go.  It doesn’t matter what I see or what I think, only what God sees and what God thinks.  The universe is powerful enough to do whatever is appropriate and then therefore why should I bother?

Hmmm....  perhaps I will write more on this later.  I’m sure I could touch on other tangents that would shed light on my thoughts.  However, I’ve not time for that now.

Peace and love to you and may Truth always be your companion.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Wild-haired Mountain Lover meets the OC

Wow, Southen California.  Orange County to be exact.  I’ve gotten to the point that I can no longer say that I’ve “just moved here”.  I’m starting to see the people here as just people; they no longer look as if they belong on my tv screen instead of at my restaurant.  The Ferrari dealership no longer turns my head every time I pass it on my way to work.  Lamborghini’s still look like bat-mobiles, however, I expect to see them every now and again.  This is a long ways from the mountainous Colorado vistas and the fresh air that those forests provide.  Where work tears our clothes for us as opposed to a fashion designer.  Where dirt in your fingernails is valued and the smell of a healthy human body is not frowned upon. 

I’ve changed already, even though I’ve only been here for about 8 months.  The ocean breeze and California sun are my reasons for getting out of bed in the morning now.  I’m learning to hold my head high and keep my chest out.  I’m learning how to brush and style my hair into submission and it actually looks good most of the time.  I’m starting to feel empowered about who I am and that I don’t need to change anything about myself for people to like me.  I like wearing a bikini even though my body has a few more curves than that woman who just ran by with a six-pack and super toned arms and legs.  I like to be nice because I genuinely am and make people wonder what keeps me from being jaded.  And, I’m learning that I have the biggest problem with people who are full of themselves.... who knew?  I thought I loved everyone.  I thought I held a place of openness to anyone who wanted to be in or around my life.  How wrong I was.  I only have an openness for the underdog and the outsider and the humble adventurous types.  But when it comes to someone with too much money or too much religion I harden my mouth and steel my eyes and take my heart into the depths of me not to be abused.  I, in fact, am a little jaded... I’ve just learned to hide it well.

I feel as if I’ve been judged by them and have been found lacking.  I already know that I’m not perfect, as much as I would like to be, and I despise being reminded.  What a stretch this place is for me.  I now see that I also am playing judge and finding people lacking (lacking humility, which could be argued that that’s not a bad thing to judge... but still I am judging)... I don’t want to be someone who judges and deems people as not good enough.  Everyone has their own journeys to travel and everyone has their own lessons to learn.  And not one of us learns the same lessons in the same order as anyone else.  I am thankful for this place in that it has opened my eyes to my own prejudices and has given me a chance to grow my heart bigger to envelop more people.

I am directly choosing to challenge my prejudices by getting involved in a bible study, small group, type thing again.  I am going to go into the thick of my injuries about not measuring up and my goal is to find a place of acceptance for the religious people again.  To find an acceptance of people who may not accept me and who may tell me that I am not following God like I “should” be.  God help me.  I admit I am a little nervous about this idea.  But I feel like God is bringing me to it.  I’ve heard that sometimes in order to heal from something you must re-expose yourself to what wounded you in the first place.  In this case, it’s the “christian church” and here I go, re-exposing myself to it. 

In other news, I am having a hard time connecting with people here.  I feel exhausted here and don’t have the energy to find friends and community.  Sometimes I love hanging out by myself.  It gives me time to paint and read books and watch tv shows and movies.  God knows I have the longest running reading list ever.  But other times I feel very lonely and would love to have a group of people that I feel a part of and feel comfortable around.  Perhaps my church group will help with that eventually as soon as I get over myself and my nervousness.  Or perhaps I should just dive into my aloneness and take this opportunity to paint and create a painting series and see if I can get somewhere to display my artwork... that would make me feel like I accomplished something.

There are days when I can’t wait to leave and I want to pack up my things today... However, I have a lease that I will and must honor.  So I may as well learn to enjoy it here again.  Out of all the places I could be, this one ain’t too bad.

Ha.  As I am writing this I am sitting in the shade of giant umbrella with the sun warming my arms, a fountain playing water Olympics beside me, giant palm trees crowding the sky and birds chirping and scavenging for scraps and crumbs from under the tables.... it ain’t too bad here... it really isn’t. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Dear God, Give me a new dream: the plea of a defeatist.

 Please take this burden from me.  I don’t want my heart to bleed anymore.  I don’t want to dream of being a family anymore.  I don’t want to dream of having children.  I don’t want to dream of having a lover and husband who will always be there for me.  I have watched my heart leap into reckless hope of a future only to be left sorely wanting.  Time and time again I see the men I love in some other woman’s arms.  I cry and I wonder what’s wrong with me that I can’t captivate him and that we aren’t meant for each other.  And I will myself to move on by telling my heart that there is someone out there for me. 

I look around me and see so many broken hearts.  I look around and see boys and bros and dudes posing as men.  Or maybe it’s that I see men when I wish to see knights in shining armor.  Either way, I don’t want what has been offered to me.  I’ve always wanted to find someone who will be on my side... someone that I can experience life with... someone to love and who will love me.  But everywhere I look I see brokenness.  So many men just up and walk away... and now that even includes my dad.  My poor mom.  She thought she found love and she thought she found truth and a life partner and ultimately she was deceived and abandoned.  And I am caught in the wake of being abandoned.  I only kept in touch with my dad through my mom before and now that they are separating what does that leave me with my relationship with my dad?  It gives me a daddy issue, that’s what.  No one wants to deal with daddy issues.  What hope does that leave me?  What am I setting myself up for?  All I want is a man’s chest to completely rest on and for him to tell me it’s ok to be me and hold me and kiss the top of my head... a man who loves me for me, not just for my pretty face or my sex.  Maybe that gives rise to my relationship issues... maybe I’ve never wanted a lover but a dad.  Shit, that sucks.  I don’t know how to swim through this... 

Pleeeeease God!  Give me a new dream.  Give me a loophole.  Give me something to hope for.  Give me some reason to keep on moving forward.  I’m feeling pretty alone and pointless right about now.  I realize I have put a lot of weight into being “something” for someone that I don’t realize my own worth outside of any and all relationship.  I see that.  But holy smokes, I don’t know how to change that. Transform my longing for family into a bigger picture or into a longing to only be with you.... something.  Please replace the pleas of my heart for a man to have and to hold until death do we part, with something more tangible.  I don’t want to risk it anymore.  I don’t want my heart to hurt like this anymore.  I’ve never felt such real pain in my chest before.  Please, God!  Have mercy on my heart.  My vision is blurry as I write through my tears as I beg you; give me a new desire.  Give me a new dream.  And please let it completely replace my yearning for partnership.  Replace my yearning for male attention... from a father figure or from a lover.  I don’t want it anymore.  If I can’t have it, please take it away.... please.  Please don’t be cruel with me.  Give me a new dream or take me away from this world so you can be the one to hold me. 

In all emotional sincerity,
