Saturday, March 8, 2014

Just A List

1. I'm turning crazy!!!! ah!!!  I've had a belief that being the stereotypical "crazy women" (you know, irrational emotions and emotions/feelings/whims that switch SO FREAKING fast, that kinda crazy) would be the worst injustice I could do as a woman to the whole female race.  So I avoided it like the plague.  Now that I decided to feel my emotions and be in my body more and more, I'm realizing I am that "crazy woman"... oh crap, I was told yesterday that I'm not being "crazy" I'm just being "woman".  So rephrase:  I'M TURNING WOMAN!!!

2. My computer got updated.  Now I have to slide my fingers in the wrong direction to get my internet page to scroll up or down.  Very perplexing.

3. My house feels like an old person house.  Anyone have an extra gray-old-lady wig?  I think I'm going to stop trying to make the house blend in with me and stop trying to modernize it (it's such a freaking hard battle) and I'm going to just blend in with it now.  I need a walker too.  Let me know if you have an old lady dress I can have too.

3.5.  The next step is getting a collection of wigs and making everyone who comes to visit wear one when they step into my house.

4.  I have the best boyfriend!  He's likes me even though I'm becoming a "woman" (reference #1) and even though I just said mean things about him.  Also, if it wasn't for him I think I would be on the road to becoming more and more fake instead of on the road to embracing and loving who I am.  Logan you rock!!  <3

5.  People are stupid sometimes.  (actually I just use what they do to allow myself to feel justified in being upset or offended)

6.  My back hurts.  Like my lower back.  I'm not sure why.  I did something to it at the gym on Wednesday.  It hurts so bad that I can't push any poop out.  I have to just sit on the toilet and hope that gravity is strong enough to relieve my full intestines.

7.  TMI is fun.

8. is my favorite number, other than 24 and 42.

9.  I"M GOING TO THE EAST COAST IN APRIL FOR THREE WEEKS!!!! AH!!!  I'm not sure when the dates are but I'm going to spend a week of my time in NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm going with Logan!!!  I"M SO EXCITED!!!!!  We're going to go on adventures in the city.  I'm already planning them all!!  <3 eeeeeeeeeeeee

9.5.  I'm going to be in NYC!  I'm going to see my soul sister, Elizabeth Woods-Darby.  And I so wanna see my college friends too!!!  You hear that guys!?  We're going to hang out whether you like it or not!!  <3

10.  I woke up sweating twice last night.  Like soaked.  I wasn't even cuddling with Logan, which is usually why I get too hot when I sleep.  My body is weird with it's temperature regulation when I sleep.

11.  I love working at Backcountry Bistro!!

12.  All ya'll, is fun to say.

14.  I'm like a hotel.  There is no 13th floor.

13.  Just kidding.

15.  I miss Jenna and Isaac.  They left the valley and are going on an epic adventure.  It's going to be so sweeeeet and awesome!  But they are cool and I want them to hang out with me all the time!

16.  I suck at staying in contact with my best-friend/friend-soul-mate.  She only lives 1.5 hours from me and I never go visit.  I'm a terrible human being.  I'm going to change that. (someone keep me accountable)  I have to figure something out.  I miss her so hard core.  I wish we were roommates again.  We always have the best adventures and laugh a lot.  I love playing "gotcha" with her!  She's a really good writer too and so fun to be around, even if all we do is read books together!  She, also, was the best fashion coach I ever had!  Chloe Burton you're my favorite memory and I'm going to make you more than a memory, again!  I'll see you Saturday.  Also, you'd be proud to know I now own 3 pairs of skinny jeans!  haha

17.  I'm going to go eat dinner now.

18.  I'm going to leave my filter outside under the bushes.  So if I ever need it again, I'll know where to find it.  But it's more fun to leave it behind.

19. LOVE is all you need.  bum-ba-ba-da-dum.  Love is all you need, need.  Yeah, love is all you need.

20.  I wanna watch Moulin Rouge again.

21.  Ok, I'm done.  (i'm over 21.  I'm going to drink beer with my dinner.)


  1. I suck at staying in contact with everyone too! I love this: "you are my favorite memory." We will stop making each other memories, now and be in touch. We really don't live that far away. I was just singing the elephant love medley yesterday morning. Remember when we sang it on the beach at dusk? It was pretty romantic. Of course I kept changing keys because I can't sing as low as Ewan McGregor (that's the actor ;)

    1. I do remember that! That was an awesome rendition of Elephant Love Medley. I got that video out yesterday and was thinking about watching it again. Love it. lol I know that's the actor! But usually you do have to tell me, good to be safe lol Love you Chuck

  2. You can finagle it so your computer scrolls the same way it used to. I'll show you if you want : )

    1. That could be cool, Mountain Jedi, but I don't know who you are... you're so mysterious :)
