Saturday, January 11, 2014

Playing with Energy on the Dance Floor

Dancing.  What I wonderful way to connect with people.  I am submerged in a weekend of dancing.  9pm-5am last night and again for the next two nights.

I have been working with energy in different ways and through different modalities for a while.  It’s quite fun and amazing to play with and observe.  You know how people can walk into a room and you can feel if they are upset without even talking to them or looking at their face?  Or perhaps they walk into the room and everyone (literally) turns and looks at them because they “feel” them walk in?  That’s their energy.  That’s one way it manifests itself.  Since studying theatre I’ve been wondering how to shift my energy so that I can fill up a room if I want, or completely hide from people if I want and using that during performances and for auditions.  As I have continued this play I have been branching out in different ways.

This weekend I decided to play with energy on the dance floor.  Each dance is a chance to try something new and different or expound on something that I like.  Last night I broadcast my energy from surrounding only my dance partner to then the entire room.  I shifted my own energy from love to acceptance to fun to no pressure to walled-off to exhausted to anything else I could think of to try.  I personally really enjoy being in a space of love, acceptance, fun and no pressure, especially love and acceptance.  I found that I had better dances and more fun if I was loving and accepting of my partner.

As I played with my energy I started to find that I would attract very ...uhhh... “interesting” partners to dance with sometimes.  At first I would resist wanting to dance with them.  I have danced with people in the past that have had really gross energy, specifically sexual.  I don’t enjoy that and usually wall myself off to protect myself out of fear.  So I didn’t want to attract these people while I was broadcasting acceptance.  This became a struggle for me.  Luckily I didn’t attract many of them and they really weren’t as bad as I thought they might be at first judgement.

Later while I was eating some food, I met a man named Matt.  We ended up talking for a long time.  We were meant to connect.  I shared some of my story and he likewise shared some of his.  His being was full of light and love and was beautiful.  At the end of our conversation, he spoke blessings over my hands to heal as I am led.  I watched my energy to see how that would take effect.  I felt some shifts in my heart.... breaking of fear if you will. 

A new energy pattern started to take place in my being.  I could feel it shift as I started to dance.  My heart feeling warm and my hands feeling warm and the energy shaking into my body as I moved and danced. 

I was showed how my energy was attracting the people that needed to be in my aura field; that either I could benefit from or they could benefit from me.  About that time another lead approached me and my first judgmental reaction was “man, I don’t want to dance with him”.  But I knew that we were meant to connect.  So I accepted his proposal to share a dance and opened up to what I was to learn or to give. 

It ended up being completely for me.  I started dancing with him as a soul.  (Partner dance, especially blues, takes down the walls people usually have up and a new level of connection is available.  That’s one of the reasons why this dance is so addicting.)  It was beautiful, an out of body experience.  I didn’t see him as a slightly gross individual as I shamefully admit that I did at first.  Instead, I saw the beauty of Love in him; I saw the beauty of the Creator in him.  That’s what I danced with.  I felt the duality of being of one Source and being two separate humans.

I look forward to what lessons await for me tonight and what healing can be done in me and through me.  Following God’s path and following Source, Creator, Love.  

Trees... amazing way to ground yourself and let your energy be recovered.  Matt told me about this and I simply asked a tree if it was willing to help me and laid my hands on it's bark.  Immediately my energy was taken into it's roots and into my own.

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