Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Colorado Sunsets are the Best

I came back to the North Fork Valley to get my car.

I woke up Sunday morning at the Blues Event and thought to myself, "I am going to find a ride back to colorado today".  There are multiple reasons as to why I decided that I wanted my car.  A few being; I'm not going to travel out of country right now, I'm wanting to explore and find a new place to start my life, I knew somewhere deep down that I should have brought my car with me from the beginning, I am able to be freer, I feel at home in my car.... etc.

I was weighing all my options and all of them almost worked... they would have worked had I had my car with me.  So, the natural decision was... go get it!  However, I didn't want to take a leisurely long-ass time to get back to colorado.  So I looked into flying.  Last minute flights aren't the way to go...  they were 3 times the amount it cost me to get out to seattle.  So I decided on the necessary evil of driving, despite however long it would take.

So I walked down the hill from my tent and ran into some friends from Paonia.  I hadn't yet seen them.  I chatted with them for a bit and then they said they had to hit the road because they had to get the rental car back to Grand Junction by Monday....

Without barely thinking, I asked them if I could catch a ride with them.

All around amazing.  I got a ride back to Colorado, for the same amount as it took me to get out there.  We didn't dily-daly.  I had great company for conversations french-braiding-lessons, movie watching, sleeping, and reading.  And I now have my car.  :)

Colorado welcomed me home with an amazing sunset to match the amazing sunrise it sent me off with 3 weeks ago...

I spent the last day hanging out with my parents and catching up with a few friends.  I struggle with the idea that I failed at what I said I would do.  But I remind myself that failure is the road to success, therefore failure isn't a bad thing.  I also remind myself that it's ok to change my mind and choose to take a different route in my life.  Besides!  It's my life to live, my live to love, my life to choose and I can live it however I deem worthy.  And that's what I'm going to do.  <3

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